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Two Horses Die of Unknown Disease in Bahrain
The Horse 2010.04.18


ガルフデイリーニュース (リンク)は、原因不明の病気で2頭の馬が死に、また、他にも10頭が病気になっていると報じた。バーレーン当局は、4月15日に調査を開始し、アラブ首長国連邦の専門研究班に血液を送り、検査を要請した。






An as-yet unidentified illness has killed two horses and sickened 10 others in Bahrain, reports the Gulf Daily News. Authorities began investigating the situation April 15, and blood tests have been sent to a specialized laboratory in the United Arab Emirates.

Because it had not yet been determined whether the illness is viral or bacterial or how it spreads, horse and stable owners in the area have been warned not to move their animals. Authorities are also recommending that owners do not take part in equine sporting events until more information is forthcoming.

"Two horses have already been put down since they had very severe infection," Dr. Salman Abdul Nabi, Director of Animal Wealth Directorate, Ministry of Municipality Affairs and Agriculture, told the Gulf Daily News. Abdul Nabi is Bahrain's Municipalities and Agriculture Ministry livestock director.

Abdul Nabi reportedly said that he does not feel the illness is contagious and noted that only a few of the country's 6,500 horses were afflicted.

Scott Weese, DVM, DVSc, Dipl. ACVIM, assistant professor of clinical studies at the University of Guelph's Ontario Veterinary College, in reporting about the situation on Guelph's EquID Blog, said that it is probably premature to make assessments about whether the illness is contagious.

"There are many potential causes for an outbreak like this," wrote Weese. "Not all of them, in fact, are infectious disease, since toxin-mediated disease must also be considered. If multiple horses are being affected, the cause is more likely viral than bacterial, but bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic diseases must be considered."

The Kingdom of Bahrain is an archipelago of 36 islands in the Persian Gulf off the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia and is about four times the size of Washington, D.C.
