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ナショナルジオグラフィック 2010年03月23日












 また、分析方法を検証するために、特定の銀河団が放つX線の明るさと、WMAPデータの温度変化との比較も行った。 内部のガスが高温なより明るい銀河団ほど、CMBへ与える影響も大きくなると予想されたが、分析の結果その仮説も裏付けられた。



 今回の発見は「The Astrophysical Journal Letters」誌に3月20日付で掲載された。



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大紀元日本 2010年03月21日

(参考記事) 何かが太陽を周回? - クレアなひととき

 今年の1月18日前後にアメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)の太陽を専門に観測する立体宇宙船は太陽周辺で群がる巨大なUFOを記録し始めた。観測関係者によると、これらの未確認飛行物体(UFO)は「活動をしている模様」だという。何故なら、異なる時間で撮影された多くの立体写真に写ったこれらUFOは異なる位置にいたからだという。さらに、すべてのUFOは巨大であるのが特徴で、最も小さいものでも地球と同じくらいのサイズだという。一方、もしこれらのUFOが恒星または彗星だと仮定すれば、少し前に発生した太陽の強大な吸引力に吸い込まれた彗星と同じ運命を辿ったはずである。量子物理学者のナッシム・ハラメイン(Nassim Haramein)氏もこれが大きな彗星だとしたなら、彗星の尾っぽもはっきりと見えるはずだという理論を展開した。


 某米メディア誌の報道によると、最初、NASAのサイトに問題の写真や映像を公開していたのだが、後に削除したのだという。これに対して、NASA立体投影科学者ジョー・ガーマン(Joe Gurman)博士は、その映像はNASAの器械の故障によって、数値が誤圧縮され形成されたものだと説明した。

 ガーマン博士は、「DSN(深宇宙探査のために立ち上げた深宇宙ネットワークの総称。Deep Space Network)の中央数値記録器は1月18日に故障した。映像のUFOと言われるものはまさに誤圧縮され、サイズは標識モデル(512×512又は更に小さく圧縮)であるはずのもので、正常時の遠隔測定写真(2048×2048)ではない」と付け加えた。
















タグ:太陽 NASA



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記事に出てきます「キャリントンの嵐」については、 巨大磁気嵐と人間の文明:1859年の太陽嵐が示すもの(Wired Vision 2009年09月09日)に詳しいです。





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Phobos flyby images
ESA 2010.03.15

(※) ESA とは欧州宇宙機関のこと。

これは、 ESA の火星探査機マーズ・エクスプレスが、 3月 3日に、火星の衛星フォボスの地表から 50km の高度まで近づいて撮影したものです。



The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the ESA spacecraft Mars Express took this image of Phobos using the HRSC nadir channel on 7 March 2010, HRSC Orbit 7915. This image has additionally been enhanced photometrically for better bringing features in the less illuminated part. Resolution: about 4.4 meters per pixel.




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Spaceweather.com 2010年03月15日



BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1054 is so big, you can see it without a telescope. All you really need is a bank of thick clouds. Yesterday in Lusby, Maryland, a dark cloud drifted across the sun and dimmed it so much "I could see the sunspot," reports Neil Winston," so I grabbed my camera and snapped this picture."

Readers, beware. While it is possible to see the sunspot with the naked eye, staring at the sun is dangerous. A sudden gap in the cumulous, a lance of intense sunlight, and--presto!--you're blinking in pain. Photographing low or cloudy suns with a digital camera can be safe as long as you do not look directly through the viewfinder. Your best bet, however, is a safely-filtered solar telescope.

Sunspot 1054 has a "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbors energy for C- and M-class solar flares. Indeed, amateur astronomers around the world have been watching it seethe and crackle. This movie from Rogerio Marco of Campinas, Brazil, shows the eruption on March 14th that hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth. Browse the links below for additional examples.



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Spaceweather.com 2010.02.23

NASAの宇宙船もアマチュア天文家も太陽で磁気で揺れている長いフィラメントをモニタリングしています。 それは太陽の南東のあたりで100万キロメートル以上の長さに渡って伸びています。


こちらのムービーが示すように、フィラメントは少なくとも2日間は安定したまま残っています。 しかしながら、過去の同様のフィラメントは、フィラメントが太陽の表面を衝撃音と共に打つ時に崩れていくことが知られています。これは、ハイダーフレアと呼ばれる、太陽で起きる強いフレアの中で最も強いものに匹敵する爆発となります。 太陽物理学者は、いまだハイダーフレアを予測することはできないので、私たちにその発生の可能性を予測することはできません。 太陽望遠鏡をもっている読者たちの観察がさらに促進されることを奨励いたします。

MAGNIFICENT MAGNETISM: NASA spacecraft and amateur astronomers alike are monitoring a staggeringly-long filament of magnetism on the sun. It stretches more than a million kilometers around the sun's southeastern limb:

As this movie shows, the filament has remained mostly stable for at least two days. However, similar filaments in the past have been known to collapse, and when they hit the surface of the sun--bang! A tremendous explosion called a "Hyder flare" results, sometimes rivaling the strongest flares produced by sunspots. Solar physicists have not yet learned to predict Hyder flares, so we cannot estimate the odds of one now. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.



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An Unusually Smooth Surface on Saturn's Calypso

NASA (Astronomy Picture of the Day) 2010.02.17


土星のこの月はなぜそこれほど滑らかなのでしょうか?  この週末、土星の周囲を軌道を描いて回るカッシーニ宇宙船は、土星のカリプソ(Calypso)に接近して、その詳細な画像を描きました。 写真は、20kmの長さの不規則に形成された月の、生で未加工のイメージです。 姉妹テレスト月と羊飼い月のパンドラのように、カリプソは、異常に滑らかなその正体を表しています。土星の、より大きい月の大部分よりはるかに滑らかです。

カリプソの滑らかさの主な仮説は、カリプソが瓦礫の堆積月で作られていて、その表面の多くが瓦礫の比較的ゆるい寄せ集めであるということです。 小さい氷片のもつ緩さの性質で、それらは多くの小規模なクレーターと他の表面の特徴にも現れています。 新雪と似たカリプソの白い表面は土星のリングから崩落した氷の粒子の蓄積の連続から生じているものかもしれません。


Explanation: Why is this moon of Saturn so smooth? This past weekend, humanity's Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft passed as close to Saturn's small moon Calypso as it ever has, and imaged the small moon in unprecedented detail. Pictured above is an early return, raw, unprocessed image of the 20-km long irregularly shaped moon. Like its sister moon Telesto and the shepherd moon Pandora, Calypso has shown itself to be unusually smooth, much smoother than most of Saturn's larger moons. A leading hypothesis for Calypso's smoothness is that much of the moon's surface is actually a relatively loose jumble of rubble -- making Calypso a rubble-pile moon. The loose nature of the small ice pieces allows them to fill in many small craters and other surface features. Calypso orbits Saturn always behind Saturn's much larger moon Tethys, whereas Telesto's orbit always precedes Tethys. Calypso's extremely white surface -- not unlike fresh snow -- may result from the continuous accumulation of fresh ice particles falling in from Saturn's E ring.




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元ニュースは、All humans are aliens from outer space: UK scientist Chandra Wickramasingheなど。


チャンドラ・ウィクラマシン(Chandra Wickramasinghe)教授。


大紀元日本 2010年2月13日

英国カーディフ大学(Cardiff University)天体生物学者チャンドラ・ウィクラマシン(Chandra Wickramasinghe)教授は2日、英紙「ザ・サン」に対して、「地球人はみんな宇宙人、みんな同じ宇宙の祖先を持つ」との持論を発表した。ウィクラマシン教授は、人類は数100万年前に彗星を通じて地球に持ち込まれた宇宙微生物であると示した。




All humans are aliens from outer space: UK scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe

Whats on Xiamen 2010.02.12

THE human race began as microbes brought to Earth by comets millions of years ago according to a British scientist.

British professor Chandra Wickramasinghe said: "We are all aliens. We share a cosmic ancestry.

"Each time a new planetary system forms, a few surviving microbes find their way into comets.

"These then multiply and seed other planets. We are thus part of a connected chain that extends over a large volume of the cosmos. Evidence is pointing inexorably in this direction."

Prof Wickramasinghe, an astrobiologist at Cardiff University, said the first "seeds of life" were deposited on Earth 3800 million years ago, The Sun reported.

He said life through the universe was transferred from planet to planet over billions of years as comets hit them and pushed matter into space.

But Prof Wickramasinghe accepted that the theory did not explain how life originally came into being.

He and his late colleague - astronomer and science fiction writer Sir Fred Hoyle - championed the theory of panspermia from the 1960s.

It says that life did not start on Earth but was brought here from space.

The professor said: "Although we have no definite knowledge how life started in the first place, once started, its spread in the cosmos and survival is inevitable."



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AFP にメキシコでいん石目撃情報、実はロシア人工衛星の残がいという日本語の記事がありました。

Meteorite Hits Mexico Leaving 30 Meter Crater

Earth Changes Media 2010.02.12

A meteorite has smashed into the ground in Mexico, leaving a 30 meter (100 feet) wide crater, reports said. The meteorite impact was in the Ahuazotepec Municipality in Central Mexico between the cities of Puebla and Hidalgo. The Ahuazotepec, Mexico meteorite impact was so massive it broke windows in homes many kilometers from the epicenter and people reported buildings swaying and mass confusion. Other reports said the Mexico meteorite impact partially damaged a road and a bridge.


The precise impact area of the meteorite was in a relatively unpopulated area and hit around 6.30pm local time, Mexican media said. The Mexican military was called-in to lock down the area where the apparent space rock slammed into the ground. Initial fears where that the impact was a aircraft crashing to the ground, but that report was later dismissed.


The Central Mexico meteorite event was witnessed by countless people in the region of the impact, with people as far away as Mexico City saying they saw the burning object enter the atmosphere.


Discovery News 2010.02.11

UPDATE (4:00 am ET, Feb. 12): It would appear the initial reports of a "30 meter wide" crater may have been incorrect. No photographic evidence of the location of this mystery crater has emerged and AFP journalists are reporting that "nothing was found after a through search of the area yesterday." However, it remains probable that space debris originating from the Russian Cosmos 2421 spy satellite did re-enter over Mexico -- accounting for the eyewitness accounts -- but very little debris may have made landfall, if at all.

ORIGINAL POST: According to media sources in Mexico, a 30 meter wide crater was left after a meteorite impacted approximately 100 miles to the northwest of Mexico City in the municipality of Ahuazotepec, Puebla.

Eyewitnesses report seeing a light and then a "roar" as the alleged meteorite hit, swaying nearby buildings. According to one translated source, a bridge had been damaged by the impact that occurred at 6:30 pm local time on Wednesday evening. Windows were also shattered as a result of the blast.

Local authorities reported that emergency phone lines were jammed with scared people calling to find out what was happening.

The Mexican army arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area according to another news source. The possibility of a downed aircraft has been ruled out by the authorities.

However, new reports from the region suggest that the impactor wasn't a meteorite at all, but it did come from space.

José Jaime Herrera Cortes of the Mexican Space Agency has gone on record to say the object was a piece of space junk originating from a Russian satellite.

Cortes indicates that the U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed the object was a piece of the Cosmos 2421 satellite that was launched in 2006. As of 2008, 15 fragments of the spacecraft were being tracked.

The piece of space junk, cataloged with the ID number 33006 was expected to pass over Mexico at the approximate time of impact.

Personally, I find it strange how there are no photographs of the impact site and few details about the damage that has been done (although the impact site does appear to be in a sparsely populated region). Also, the reports are sketchy, so before we can start drawing any conclusions we'll have to wait for an official announcement.


he Cosmos 2421 Spy Satellite

NASA's Orbiting Debris Quarterly News newsletter from 2008 goes into some detail as to the nature of Cosmos 2421. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was a spy satellite and the U.S. Space Surveillance Network (SSN) had detected "significant fragmentation" of the three ton object earlier that year.

During the April-June period another two fragmentation events were detected, increasing the number of pieces of detectable junk over the size of 5cm to 500.

Cosmos 2421 was the 50th spacecraft of its class to be launched since 1974.

According to the report, "nearly half (22 out of 50) of the spacecraft have fragmented at least once, typically within a few months of the end of their primary missions." Bizarrely, the cause of these fragmentation events remain unknown.



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赤みを増した冥王星、大気の変化を示唆 NASA
AFP 2010年02月05日


Hubble Site より。

 米航空宇宙局(NASA)は4日、ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡(Hubble Space Telescope)で撮影した冥王星の写真を公開し、観測の結果、冥王星の輝きが数年前よりも著しく赤みを増したことが明らかになったと発表した。



New Hubble Maps of Pluto Show Surface Changes
Hubble Site 2010.02.04

Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has been a speck of light in the largest ground-based telescopes. But NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has now mapped the dwarf planet in never-before-seen detail. The new map is so good, astronomers have even been able to detect changes on the dwarf planet's surface by comparing Hubble images taken in 1994 with the newer images taken in 2002-2003. The task is as challenging as trying to see the markings on a soccer ball 40 miles away.

Hubble's view isn't sharp enough to see craters or mountains, if they exist on the surface, but Hubble reveals a complex-looking and variegated world with white, dark-orange, and charcoal-black terrain. The overall color is believed to be a result of ultraviolet radiation from the distant Sun breaking up methane that is present on Pluto's surface, leaving behind a dark, molasses-colored, carbon-rich residue. Astronomers were very surprised to see that Pluto's brightness has changed ― the northern pole is brighter and the southern hemisphere is darker and redder. Summer is approaching Pluto's north pole, and this may cause surface ices to melt and refreeze in the colder shadowed portion of the planet. The Hubble pictures underscore that Pluto is not simply a ball of ice and rock but a dynamic world that undergoes dramatic atmospheric changes.